H2o leaks can occur throughout your habitation as a effect of any number of problems. For example, water can leak through a damaged roof, from faulty plumbing (including both pipes and fixtures), and from faulty appliances (such equally washing machines or refrigerators). Major leaks can result in significant water impairment; however, even minor leaks tin can have a big touch on, especially when information technology comes to your water bills. Unfortunately, water leaks tin often be difficult to notice, which is why you should consider installing a water leak detector.

leak in pipe

What is a Water Leak Detector?

A water leak detector makes use of sensors to identify even the smallest of leaks. Electronic water leak detectors are able to identify leaks past their sound as they are equipped with transducers. These sensors will trigger an alarm signifying that at that place is a leak in your dwelling and where the leak is. New "smart" water leak detectors use central hubs that can notify yous nigh the leak via a text, which ways you don't have to be in earshot of your alarm to realize that there's a leak somewhere. Such a feature is especially helpful if you lot're out of the domicile.

The Benefits of Installing a Water Leak Detector

The following are a few reasons to consider installing a water leak detector:

  • Foreclose major h2o impairment – Should a pipe burst while you're out of the habitation, you'll exist notified that there'due south a problem right away. Many h2o leak detection systems have an automatic valve shutoff feature or volition permit you to shut down your water supply remotely. Even smaller leaks tin can crusade water impairment because they are more than difficult to identify. A h2o leak detector tin can spot these leaks.
  • Reduce water bills – Even a small leak tin can issue in the waste matter of a significant corporeality of h2o that tin profoundly impact your water bills. Identifying such leaks and so that you tin can repair them right away tin assist to continue your h2o bills under control.
  • Be more than eco-friendly – Past being notified past leaks correct abroad, you tin prevent the waste of water, thereby making your abode more eco-friendly.

Steps to Accept When Your Water Leak Detector Goes Off

A leak detector will allow you know if there are water leaks in your home, just it's up to you to actually address the issue. The post-obit are the steps you should accept if your h2o leak detector goes off:

  1. Identify the source of the leak – A smart leak detection organization will tell y'all what area in your home the leak has occurred in. If a sensor in the attic has been triggered, there'southward likely a leak coming from the roof. If a sensor in the kitchen or bath has been triggered, you can presume information technology'south an outcome with your plumbing system.
  2. Take necessary precautions – Go to the source of the leak to figure out how bad the leak is. For example, if your basement is flooding, you may want to turn off your electricity and begin removing personal belongings that are in danger of being water damaged. If at that place'southward a leak in a ceiling or in your attic, placing buckets below the leak can help prevent potential water harm.
  3. Shut off the water supply – If your leak is coming from your plumbing system (and it's not a minor leak out in the open up, such as a faucet leak), then you may want to shut off your water supply to prevent major h2o harm. Many smart water leak detection systems can be continued with shutoff valves which can exist automatically triggered should a leak be detected in your plumbing organisation.
  4. Schedule an appointment – If it'due south your roof that'due south leaking, you'll need to contact a professional roofer. If the leak is coming from your plumbing system or an apparatus continued to your plumbing organization, you volition need to schedule an appointment with a licensed plumber. A licensed plumber will identify the root crusade of the leak and repair it.

Get a Water Leak Detector Installed Today

Installing a water leak detector in your habitation can assist forbid significant water damage by notifying you of whatever water leaks that are present in your domicile that need to be addressed. If you lot have a leak in your plumbing arrangement that needs to be repaired or if you want more data about installing a water leak detector in your Louisville expanse home, so be sure to contact us at Maeser today. With over 40 years of experience, we have built a reputation throughout the community as ane of the virtually dependable and trustworthy plumbing services in the surface area.