
What Is Master Status Sociology

In Sociology, Chief status is the social position which is the primary identifying characteristic of an individual.

Every bit a part of the social club, we have many statuses fastened to us, these may be acquired/ accomplished- such equally education, economical status, one's occupational status-or it may be ascribed, something given to us past birth- ethnicity, race, degree, sex. The old may be subject to change depending on the historical context- poor may go rich and the rich may become poor-and the current social context, whereas the latter is relatively stable and unlikely to modify over a period of time. At a given betoken nosotros are a part of both ascribed as well as accomplished status.

Out of the many statuses we identify with, we accept one particular condition, which is of the greatest importance to our continuing in club. This status forms the basis of our identity every bit perceived by others, based on which they interact with united states of america and behave towards us, it also forms the ground to a very large extent on how nosotros perceive the world around u.s.a.. This can be based on any status starting from and physical and mental abilities, our religion, race, sexual practice, role as a mother, economical status, etc. The term 'master status' was starting time used by Everett Hughes in 1940s.

With every status come up sure roles attached to them, e.yard. a woman may be viewed every bit the caretaker and thus acquires the role of the mother. Based on the condition nosotros learn in society, the master status may be given to united states of america by others, which means it may be based on our pare colour; e.g. an African- American living in the unites states, where racism is prevalent, may be viewed as a 'blackness man' before an individual having any other identity.

The master status may besides be one that we attach to our cocky based either on the roles attached to our diverse statuses or an inner attribute. Due east.g. nosotros often when asked to innovate ourselves say that 'I am a daughter' or 'I am a boy', thus this becomes our master status and nosotros attach every aspect of our lives to this, starting from how we acquit in relation to the norms of the society to the kinds of rules we observe. Thus we can say that the role attached to the principal status supersedes all the other roles that are attached to us.

Further, the master status may bring prestige, this volition exist the instance if the status is desired, e.grand. belonging to a higher caste, or being white.  Or it may be stigmatized, this is usually negative and may arise from a choice that we have made,  similar breaking the law, or by the virtue of being a part of a status group ascribed to u.s. past nativity east.thousand. belonging to a lower caste, being black, being a woman. Such stigma volition as well entail discrimination based on this primary condition.

The master condition may change from being desired to being stigmatized based on our choices and vice versa. Moreover, the concept of role conflict becomes peculiarly of import hither, as this may create a situation of inconsistency among the various status one acquires. Role conflict is aught simply a situation of dilemma that is posed on an individual when their roles identify incompatible demands on him/her. Due east.g. A woman may be a mother as well equally working at the same time, she may not exist able to devote enough fourth dimension at home looking afterwards her children, and thus is torn between finishing her work and devoting time to her family, this is part conflict. In such a case if the chief status of the woman is that of a mother then the expectation from here would be to leave her work and accept intendance of her children, creating a status inconsistency and making her cull.

Thus the chief status plays an extremely important role in shaping 1's identity and how they perceive the earth and in plow how the globe perceives them.


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What Is Master Status Sociology,


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